Yesterday after a couple of days working and just wandering with the dogs around Settle and Giggleswick we took to the hills. Lynnie and I headed off on the circular route that I did a few days ago around Attermire Scar on a recky. Lolly and Toby arrive today and I know that I have to plan bear free walking for Lolly.
When we were here last September Lolly joined us for a few days, that was her first visit since she was a child and it immediately rekindled her affection for the Dales. This will be Toby’s first visit to the area. The primary purpose for their visit is to join the weekend celebrations for Maurice’s 90th Birthday, but whilst in the Dales some walking is on the agenda.
After a BBQ lunch we set off. This is the third time I have done this route in the last few days, so for variety we are doing it anticlockwise. As a child Lolly was a good walker, but needed the constant distraction of a stile or two to keep her interest. When she got fed up her pace would slow and soon she would be trailing behind and wailing “I can’t walk any further”, once reminded that ice cream (or more likely a trip to a pub) was at the end of the walk, she was soon back in the pack.
We head out of Settle and are soon climbing the path that leads us under Bleu Crags. Just over a mile into our walk and Lolly has her boot off and is complaining of a blister. Plaster applied we are off again.
Walking this way round we are treated to cracking views of Langcliffe Quarry and Pen-y-Ghent in the distance. As we steadily walk up hill we watch the peaks of Ingleborough and then Pen-y-Ghent disappear in cloud and can see the rain coming up the valley.
Under Attermire Scar it is time for a brief diversion up to Victoria Cave.
I have previously written extensively about the cave ( Pictures taken at the cave entrance it is time to head on to avoid the rain.
After walking over Sugar Loaf instead of going over the ladder stile in front we veer to the right to follow the grass track across the field that takes us to a wall stile to join High Hill Lane. Here it is a right turn and a steep walk down hill into Settle.
A cracking wander which has set us up just right for the Pie and Peas party at Jane and Carlos’ house this evening, the latest installment of Maurice’s birthday celebrations.
29th May 2015
[To follow our walk you will need Ordnance Survey Outdoor Leisure Map OL2 – Yorkshire Dales – Western Area]
© Two Dogs and an Awning (2015)